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Adore Healthcare Professionals
Join Adore HealthCare Professionals Limited for the substantial variety of opportunities that we are able to offer our health care staff.
This separates us from any other health care recruiter in the industry as we work hard for you. Our primary focus is on the provision of excellent patient care as backed by our aims and objectives which are:
- The provision of high quality and professional service which puts the service users' welfare at the centre of our work.
- To ensure we deliver an efficient and up to date service in line with current legislation and regulations.
- We provide a non discriminatory service that embraces diversity and upholds service users rights regardless of their physical attributes, gender, race or religious affiliation.
- To support service users with a dignified independent living in the community as long as possible in line with their wishes and best interests.
Our staff undergo training to ensure they are competent to provide our clients with the best quality health care services We works with local authorities, private and NHS hospitals, nursing and residential care homes to help build teams and deliver health and social care services and this ensures plenty of work for our Employees.
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